
Graphic of two people sitting across from one another, looking at plots

I started working on education research as a doctoral student and have never stopped being a STEMM education researcher. Although my work has shifted to less knowledge generation as I primarily do work as an evaluator or program director, I still keep a research line open and active as it is important to me. I primarily work in postsecondary education but am open to working in other types of education.

My current work in research varies. I've joined projects at different stages. Sometimes, researchers find they need support midway through or near the end of a project. Sometimes, I form collaborations at the very beginning of a project.

Research Activities

Research design, data collection and analysis, literature reviews, and manuscript writing.

I’ve worked on research projects from beginning to end, or just a few parts.


Surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations, document analysis.Similar to my evaluation work, I have conducted research in various settings and both virtual/in-person.

Research questions largely determine which method(s) I use, though budgetary and timing constraints do play a role.

Areas/Topics for Research

Student, postdoc, staff, and faculty experiences; educator professional development; course transformation; programs; adoption/propagation of education innovations; equity and inclusion; sustainability of programs

Research Collaboration Experiences and Publications

Research collaborations are like any other work experiences in that good working conditions is important. I’ve enjoyed working in many different research collaborations. They have varied from working with one other person to working with researchers spanning different career levels at different institutions, geographic areas, and disciplines. Some research work (e.g., data collection) happens in-person, other endeavors virtually. I have worked with individuals whose primary responsibility is the research, as well as with individuals who have many competing responsibilities.

For more specific research areas or to get a better sense of the research I’ve worked on, my Google Scholar profile has the most updated list of (mostly) peer-reviewed publications. Many are in open-access journals, too.

If you are interested in hiring me to work with you on education research, feel free to reach out.